Lezley McSpadden, Mother Of Mike Brown, Takes Control Of Her Own Narrative
Lezley McSpadden seems to be in another place when she speaks about her son. In a room full of Howard law students, she slowly recounts...
African-Americans are one of the most active groups on social media. The multimedia piece explores their social media usage habits and the effects on their sense of identity.
African-Americans are one of the most active groups on social media. The multimedia piece explores their social media usage habits and the effects on their sense of identity.
The parallels between the lived black experience in America and popular sci-fi and fantasy storylines are blatant yet black representation in fictional media is slim. The effect this has on impressionable black people is explored in this podcast.
Beauty products are a multi-billion dollar industry, but some of these popular trends have been linked to harmful health issues down the road. This podcast explores these issues, personal journeys, medical advice, and insight from those in the field.
Black women have notoriously skipped out on going to the gym due to hair concerns. This piece highlights this subject from the perspective of trainers and gym-goers.